
Phase 1 - Concept and product development
Phase 2 – Launch
Phase 3 – Collaboration wider stakeholders
Phase 4 – Sustainable growth

First phase – Concept and product development: 2022-2023 (Completed)

  • Develop concept and business logics.
  • Research the pain points of the industry and provide solutions.
  • Develop whitepaper that outlines the concept and the technology that delivers the solution.
  • Collaborate with like minded investors to get initial funding.
  • Secure funding for launch.
  • Develop engaging website.
  • Develop GST token.

Second phase – Launch: Q4 2023

  • Token launch
  • Presale of token 
  • Initially 50 Million GST tokens as presale 
  • Presale price of 1 GST = 0.5 USDC 
  • Media campaign

Third phase – Collaboration with wider stakeholders: Q2 2024

  • Listing on other exchanges
  • Spread awareness about risks and challenges in global financial system and fiat currencies.
  • Add liquidity to pancake swap
  • Second block of 50 Million GST tokens as presale.
  • Presale price of 1 GST = 1.50 USDC 
  • Virtual townhall meetings

Fourth phase: Sustainable growth: Q2 2025

  • Approach like minded organizations and NGO’s for adoption of GST as token for global exchange.
  • Third Block of 50 Million GST tokens launch
  • Sale price of 1 GST = 3 USDC